Opening minds to a world beyond limits,
broadening horizons and making everyday challenges easier.
We are the only local organisation dedicated to enhancing the lives of both
parent-carers and their disabled adult children, aged 18+
Successfully supporting both user groups since 2003.
That’s over 20 years of excellence!
We support families with members suffering from moderate – severe developmental and learning disabilities including; Autism, Down’s syndrome and Aspergers, oft coupled with physical disabilities, such as spina bifida or blindness.
Tikva is also committed to provide relief of poverty, sickness and distress.
Practical and moral support for both adults with disabilities and their parent carers, motivate both groups to keep going whilst being nurtured at the same time
Customised activities and ongoing retreats give parent-carers a chance to recharge and disabled users hours of fulfillment and joy.
A social circle of like- minded individuals provides empathy and companionship for Tikva’s users , both parent-carers and disabled adults.
Instant Relief. Lifelong Results.
“We could live as a normal couple again.”
“I could finally be a grandmother to my grandchildren.”
“It’s impossible to describe the difference. It’s a lifesaver.”
Yes, there is Life after disability.
Parent-carers live in an isolated world.
Caring for their disabled adult child is physically and emotionally draining. Most of our parent-carers are aging empty-nesters with their own medical issues.
They need a life beyond their role as carer.
Ongoing peer and professional support validates their concerns, combats their social isolation and gives them energy to continue in their vital caring role.
When a child with disabilities is young, they’re sweet and lovable. And they’re still manageable.
But as they get older, their needs become more complex and they demand more time, energy and stimulation.
They need a life regardless of their disability.
Group activities and leisure trips on weekends and holidays nurtures their social needs, stimulates their minds and gives them a sense of joy and satisfaction.
from the mouth of mums
The difference is in the details
Tikva in numbers
Tikva in real life
Meet Yittel.
Yittel is a doting mother and grandmother. She loves hosting her family and making her grandchildren’s favourite pizza — especially on weekends, when they’re off school.
But it wasn’t always possible. Because Yittel also has an 18-year-old son Bentzy, who is severely autistic and has high complex needs.
For years, caring for Bentzy took over her life. Dressing, feeding, changing, bathing — he couldn’t be alone for a minute. Weekends were especially draining, with minimal social care provisions for the long unstructured days.
Yittel tried having her couples over, but Bentzy would act up at the slightest change. A baby crying would put him in a frenzy, throwing, breaking, spilling. The grandchildren would scurry away in fear and treasured family time was lost.
The party was over even before it began.
And then came the big day. Bentzy turned 18.
Finally, Yittel could access the support she was desperate for.
Tikva took Bentzy for three hours on Saturday afternoon and during out of school hours, giving Yittel time to just be.
Benzy still takes over her life. But for a significant time each week, Yittel can be a grandmother. She can be a host. She can be the unharried mother she once was.
During that blessed time, Yittel could be a person.
“In the life of a parent-carer,” says Yittel, “Tivka’s support is the gift of life.”
Thank you to all our kind supporters who
grant life and laughter
to adults with disabilities and their devoted parent-carers
We were very interested and impressed by your letter informing us of the crucial work that you do, aiding parent with their disabled adult children. We hope that this donation will help you to continue your good work! (Lydia Tanti Burlo, a funder)
Give families with disability
the ability to cope